Noah Haramia x Senior

Last week I had to chance to go out and take one of my best friend's senior pictures. Even though he graduated nearly a month ago, his graduation party is next week and he was in need of some pictures.

We split the photo shoot into two parts, one in Oberlin & another on the track since he is a runner. On the first day we experienced some torrential downpour and had to wait out the weather for about an hour, but after that it was smooth sailing. It was just a little humid from the warm rain. 

On the second day went to the track around 7pm in hopes of hitting the golden hour. After we did some track shots, I set up a backdrop where I could do some head shots on a white seamless. That backfired. It was mildly windy & the wind took the paper and ripped my sheet of white seamless into three separate pieces leaving me with little paper to work with. just about a three yards remaining on the roll. Perhaps I won't do that again. 

However despite everything, I did get some pretty good shots & these are my picks.

Artist of the day x Garret Cornelison

Garrett Cornelison is a lifestyle photographer inspired by the universal moments that punctuate our lives and the vastly different ways we choose to sow them. He interested in the moments in-between moments, listening to stories, watching the landscape slowly evolve between geographies and a deliberately planted row of trees. 

Cornelison recently finished a year-long 50-state journey across the country while on a documentary project and book tour.